In-Person and Online Town Hall Event: Sat. July 20 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET

The Forced Migration Crisis at the Border

Tens of millions of people around the world are being forced from their homes.

The climate crisis, economic, political, and social crises–the violence of poverty, the state, and gangs–have made life impossible in their homelands.

The politicians–both Democrats and Republicans–want us to believe that these thousands of desperate people are a threat to our lives. That’s a lie. We cannot allow the separation, imprisonment, deportation of migrant families to be carried out in our name.

Justin Akers Chacon–a Chicano educator, author, and socialist activist–will discuss the current crisis at the border. Chacon is based in San Diego, California and is involved in border resistance as well as campaigns for worker and migrant rights in the US-Mexico border region. His most recent book is, “The Border Crossed Us: The Case for Opening the US-Mexico Border.”

We will have in-person meetings for this event in the following places in the Bay Area and Baltimore:

Berkeley, CA (4pm PT) — South Berkeley Senior Center, (2939 Ellis Street, Berkeley, CA 94703)

Baltimore (7pm ET) — Nomünomü (709 N Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201)

Download event flyers and posters

Bay Area Flyer (.pdf)

Baltimore Flyer (.pdf)

Bay Area Poster (.pdf)

Baltimore Poster (.pdf)

Can’t join us in person? Join on zoom:

Meeting ID: 821 5880 0683
Passcode: 340756

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