Tag: United States

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Nabisco Workers Draw The Line In The Sand

Workers at Nabisco, the company that makes snacks like Oreos, Fig Newtons and Wheat Thins, have been on strike since August 10th.

Biden’s Infrastructure Bill: From Bad to Useless

Biden's "bipartisan" infrastructure plan is useless when considering the climate crisis.

U.S. Healthcare System: Expensive and Ineffective

A study ranked the United States' healthcare system poorly amongst those of 11 wealthy nations.

SF Bay Area Transit Workers Fight for Hazard Pay

Transit workers in the Bay Area are fighting for hazard pay for working during the pandemic.

NYC and LA Remove People Who Lack Housing, Yet Offer No Solution

New York and Los Angeles are trying to deal with their homeless populations, sometimes by force. They are not addressing what makes people homeless in the first place.


Afghanistan: Women Fight Back

After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, women are not...

[Video] Afghanistan – The Endless War


Oakland Schools: Safety Is Up to Us

If the district is going to provide every school the safety measures being demanded, it’s going to be because they were fought for.

9/11 Launched 20 Years of U.S. Global War and Terror

The past 20 years has meant not a U.S. war against terrorists, but an endless war of U.S. terror, carried out all over the world.

