Video: Online Town Hall with Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch about the situation in Gaza

Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch is a Palestinian refugee and the Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance (

This war is a U.S. war — armed, paid for, and backed up by the U.S. government. Our solidarity lies in building a movement here as part of a worldwide resistance. On November 12, 2023, Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch joined us to speak on the situation in Gaza.

Zeiad is a Palestinian refugee from Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank. Zeiad is the Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance (, a nonprofit organization working for the rights and the well-being of children in the Middle East. He is the co-founder of the Ibdaa Cultural Center in Dheisheh, among many other activities. Zeiad maintains contact with people in Gaza and other areas of Palestine on a daily basis, when possible. He shared his perspective and provided insights into the situation in Palestine today.