Tag: socialism

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What Socialist America Will Look Like by James Cannon

We Marxists conceive of socialism, not as an arbitrary scheme of society to be constructed from a preconceived plan, but as the next stage of social evolution.

Updates from Germany and France (Revolutionary University 2017)

Revolutionary University October 2017 https://youtu.be/e7NweuYzBis France: In The Streets, Workplaces, Universities, Schools & Hospitals… Everybody Hates Macron Michelle Verdier, an activist in the French Trotskyist group Fraction...

Ramsey Kanaan: Organizing in Hard Times – Lessons from the Anti-Poll Tax Movement in the U.K.

https://youtu.be/FkF7Q100un4 Presentation by Ramsey Kanaan followed by Q&A On January 21, millions of people showed their defiance to the new Trump regime. Could we see a...

Carol Dansereau: A Socialist Perspective on the Environment

Revolutionary University October 2016 https://youtu.be/zx1OKlXaHOE Why are we losing our fight for the Earth? And what will it take to win? To answer these urgent questions,...

Joel Beinin: Workers and the Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt

Revolutionary University October 2016 https://youtu.be/2A0Gj6N84Rk Joel Beinin, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History and Professor of Middle East History at Stanford University and author of the recent book...


Afghanistan: Women Fight Back

After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, women are not...

[Video] Afghanistan – The Endless War


Oakland Schools: Safety Is Up to Us

If the district is going to provide every school the safety measures being demanded, it’s going to be because they were fought for.

9/11 Launched 20 Years of U.S. Global War and Terror

The past 20 years has meant not a U.S. war against terrorists, but an endless war of U.S. terror, carried out all over the world.

