Tag: imperialism

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The International Situation: Capitalism in a State of Emergency

Capitalism is in a state of emergency, bringing all of humanity to the precipice. There is still a window of opportunity for the revolutionary power of the proletariat to intervene and carve out a path towards socialism. But that window is closing, and time is not on our side.

Online Townhall (Oct. 17, 2020)

For more than a century, the ruling class of the U.S. has ruthlessly exploited the people and resources of Central and South America. In response, the population has resisted or fled, often ending up in the land of their oppressor.

June 27, 1954: A Bloody CIA-Sponsored Coup in Guatemala

On June 27, 1954, the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, was deposed in a CIA-sponsored coup to protect the profits of the United Fruit Company

Memorial Day: Exploiting Victims of the Ruling Class’s Wars

Memorial Day is supposedly a solemn occasion to remember Americans who died fighting in wars, a serious subject if ever there was one. So why is it typically celebrated with beach parties and consumer product sales

Yemen: Killing in the Name of Profit

American-made weapons are still killing thousands of innocent people in Yemen, a country experiencing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises


Afghanistan: Women Fight Back

After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, women are not...

[Video] Afghanistan – The Endless War


Oakland Schools: Safety Is Up to Us

If the district is going to provide every school the safety measures being demanded, it’s going to be because they were fought for.

9/11 Launched 20 Years of U.S. Global War and Terror

The past 20 years has meant not a U.S. war against terrorists, but an endless war of U.S. terror, carried out all over the world.

