We all know that we face huge problems in our personal lives, on the job and in the world around us. These problems are bigger than any one of us. But together we can and must find solutions. Join us for three days of presentations and discussion of some of the challenges we face today. Come to all of the sessions or choose the ones that interest you.
Saturday, February 14
The State of America’s Unions – Marriage, Family and Relationships
Today the effects of the economy and politics on our lives. Dr. Harriet Fraad is a mental health counselor and therapist in NYC 2:30-5pm From France to Greece – Who will decide the Future of Europe? -‐ Raphaël Preston – activist in the French Revolutionary Group “L’Etincelle” (The Spark) 6:30-9pm The Basic Economics of Capitalism as a System – Richard Wolff, economist, author of “Capitalism Hits the Fan” and other writings.
From France to Greece – Who will decide the Future of Europe?
Raphaël Preston – activist in the French Revolutionary Group “L’Etincelle” (The Spark)
The Basic Economics of Capitalism as a System
Richard Wolff, economist, author of “Capitalism Hits the Fan” and other writings.
Sunday, February 15
Imagining the Alternatives – Science Fiction, Socialism and the Future
Science fiction writers Terry Bisson, Nick Mamatas and Lisa Goldstein
Taking to the Streets in Hong Kong – Behind the “Umbrella Revolution ”
Skype with Au Loong Yu, revolutionary activist and editor of China Labor Net
Mexico – Disappeared Students and the Current Political Situation
Anabel Hernández and Steve Fisher Investigative journalists, currently fellows at the Investigative Reporting Program UC Berkeley
Monday, February 16
Racial Oppression and Class Exploitation – What Strategies for Liberation Today?
Gerald Smith – longtime activist in the black and working class movements.
Our Role In Transforming The World
Speak Out Now, followed by time to talk and socialize – Drinks and snacks provided.