
Our workplace newsletters are published every two weeks at the following workplaces. They are one of the tools we use to build networks in the workplaces. They consist of a two-sided leaflet with a general editorial on one side, and short articles about the workplace on the back, written by and with workers from the workplace. Our goal is to reflect the daily concerns of the workers – to provide a way to break the isolation many of us feel. It also serves to transmit a revolutionary perspective as well – that we have the possibility and necessity of going beyond the limits capitalism imposes on us. The newsletter also provides workers with a regular activity towards their workplace beyond simply participating in their unions (if they happen to be in one).

AC Transit Latest Newsletter

BART Latest Newsletter

Healthcare Latest Newsletter

Kaiser Latest Newsletter

Transit Latest Newsletter

Our Newsletters are written by workers! Please contact us below if you want to contribute or if you have feedback. Or you can call us: (510) 343-9105