A Socialist Perspective on the Environment (Saturday, October 22)

Why are we losing our fight for the Earth? And what will it take to win? To answer these urgent questions, we must understand what’s blocking our way forward: an economic system based on exploitation of the earth and of its people. We must acknowledge that many of the strategies followed by environmental groups up until now have limited the possibility of real change. There are solutions for all of the world’s environmental problems. We can create the world we want and prevent the destruction of the planet when we mobilize our forces to bring about the changes that we want and need.

9104448Come and hear Carol Dansereau who has been fighting for the Earth as an organizer, attorney and non-profit director for three decades. Based in Seattle, she is the author of “What It Will Take: Rejecting Dead-ends and False Friends in the Fight for the Earth.” (www.caroldansereau.com)

After the presentation, there will be time for discussion.

7pm (doors open 6:30) Saturday, October 22

Niebyl Proctor Library – 6501 Telegraph Ave, Oakland

$5.00 suggested donation

(No one turned away for lack of funds.)

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