Macron’s‭ “‬education plan‭”‬:‭ ‬to kick working class kids out of university‭!

Macron’s reform for higher education,‭ ‬the‭ “‬education plan‭”‬,‭ ‬unveiled on October‭ ‬30th,‭ ‬will be debated in parliament.‭ “‬No selection,‭ ‬only better orientation for more success‭” ‬they tell us.‭ ‬And yet,‭ ‬the logic of the new bill is to prevent working class kids from filling up university classrooms and move rapidly to where they are needed‭… ‬to a low pay job.

A crisis orchestrated by all the successive governments‭…
Macron had already set the tone after being elected and it was decided in July that higher education would get a‭ ‬€331‭ ‬million budget cut.‭ ‬All the attacks against higher education budgets over the years,‭ ‬combined with the baby boom of the‭ ‬2000‭’‬s,‭ ‬resulted in an unsurprising chaos at the beginning of the school year.
‭ ‬Understaffing in education is clearly felt,‭ ‬and was made worse this year with tens of thousands of assisted jobs being cut.‭ ‬Classrooms are overcrowded,‭ ‬from primary school to university.‭ ‬Middle school students have to wait for weeks to know which high school they will be able to attend.‭ ‬And‭ ‬87,000‭ ‬high school graduates had not gotten any university assignment through the online platform for admission to university.
‭ ‬From the point of view of the government,‭ ‬the problem solved itself:‭ ‬a large fraction of those who did not get a university assignment gave up and took a small job.‭ ‬Not everyone can get in‭? ‬The previous government had organised a lottery:‭ ‬some university curriculum chose randomly who would be admitted.

… ‬to justify emergency measures‭ …
Now the government says chance should no longer decide who will be able to study anymore.‭ ‬This seems like a no brainer‭… ‬but the goal is to justify selecting who enters university.‭ ‬Despite having their baccalaureate,‭ ‬students will still have to show they have the required level for university.‭ ‬Except that it’s harder for some than others to enter university.
‭ ‬It’s already harder for students from vocational and technological high schools,‭ ‬after getting their diploma,‭ ‬to move on to higher technical training that would allow them to find jobs better paid than minimum wage.
‭ ‬Until‭ ‬2022,‭ ‬40,000‭ ‬additional students will finish high school each year.‭ ‬With limited resources and more selection,‭ ‬the future for working class youths looks more like Deliveroo,‭ ‬McDonald’s,‭ ‬or Lidl,‭ ‬when it’s not unemployment.

… ‬that continue social segregation
In the hive,‭ ‬every bee has a role,‭ ‬the rulers make sure of it.‭ ‬Selection is made well before the end of high school.‭ ‬As soon as primary school,‭ ‬students from working class neighbourhoods have a very low probability to ever make it to university.‭ ‬The school system maintains the‭ “‬republican meritocracy‭” ‬for a society that requires cheap labour.‭ ‬No government will consider freeing up money to allow children of workers to reach higher education.‭ ‬Macron’s‭ “‬education plan‭”‬,‭ ‬to which he will add a similar minded reform of high school diploma,‭ ‬is the latest reform added to an education system that is everything but egalitarian,‭ ‬and is made to serve the bosses.‭

The president of the rich should not feel so confident that he can pass all his anti-worker reforms,‭ ‬such as those on labour law or on unemployment benefits.‭ ‬One day he might awaken a social outburst.