
Goodbye, Labour Act

It’s our job to make them stop their attacks on workers! The Work Act of Myriam El Khomri is the reform of the Labour Code...

Reform of the Labour Code: Pity the Bosses!

Poor bosses! Who could imagine their worries, their anxieties, their nightmares? Fortunately, Hollande is here, at their bedside, holding their hands. He sympathizes... And...

Shame on the Europe of the Barbed Wire! (part 2)

Five months ago, Europe was seized by a wave of emotion after discovering the photo of little Avian, a Syrian boy found dead on...

Shame on the Europe of the Barbed Wire

Sweden and Finland are preparing to expel a large part of the migrants they hosted in 2015: because fleeing poverty and hunger is not...

We Are All Goodyear Workers (part 2)

So Hollande went to India to act as a sales representative with 50 bosses around him, and tried his best to sell Dassault's Rafale...


