In Brief

Canadians Show us our Collective Power!

Massive protests by indigenous Canadians and their allies have shut down many of the main railway lines across Canada – in solidarity with the...

The Latest in the Harvey Weinstein Case

Jury negotiations began for Harvey Weinstein’s multiple allegations of rape on Tuesday, February 18th. Though more than ninety women have come forward claiming...

New NAFTA is a Climate Disaster: Why does Warren Vote Yes?

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign messaging proclaims that she will take climate change seriously. Her campaign website decries, “… right now, Washington refuses to lift a...

Australia in Flames

The fires raging in Australia since December are the most recent face of the climate crisis. Still burning today, at least 30 people have...

Iraq: Protests Erupt, Government Scrambles

The population of Iraq flooded into the streets of Baghdad this October, calling for a better life; the life that was promised to them...


